Happeriod團隊響應9月2日及3日罷工行動|Happeriod Team supports strike on Sept 2 and 3
(Please scroll down for English)
我們將於9月2日及3日響應「#守護香港,#罷工救港」行動,停止網店 happeriod.com 的出貨以及所有平台的回覆,所有於9月2日00:00至9月3日23:59下單的訂單將一律延後至9月4日陸續出貨(以網店系統所示時間為準),所有留言及訊息亦會於9月4日起陸續回覆。我們亦呼籲廣大市民一同響應罷工。
#香港加油 #齊上齊落 #反送中 #五大訴求缺一不可 #成立獨立調查委員會 #追究警暴
The Hong Kong Government has recently deployed violent suppression on public outcries in high key, while on the other hand claiming to restore stability through “conversation”. At the same time there are strong clues proving that the Hong Kong Police Force are suspected to be using indiscriminate brutal force on and have sexually abused protestors and citizens, hindering humanitarian aids, and sending undercovers to create disruptions during protests. However, the Hong Kong Governemnt chose to turn a blind eye to these inhumane and unlawful acts, pushing Hong Kong to a dangerous situation.
To show our discontent to the holllowhearted Government, we will support the strike on September 2 and 3. E-shop Happeriod.com and all our social media accounts will stop working. All orders placed on Happeriod.com and messages received on all our platforms within Sept 2 00:00 and Sept 3 23:59 will be processed and replied after Sept 4(order placement time is based on the time of receipt by the server of Happeriod.com). We are also here to call for your support to the strike.
We are urging the Hong Kong Government and Hong Kong Police Force to admit their faults on governance and law enforcement, and to stop all disruptive acts to the judicial ground of rule of law in Hong Kong and the trustful ground of civil-government relationship. The Government should act sincerely to respond to the public views and to cease the public outrage, as well as maintaining the true meaning of the rule of law of Hong Kong.
#StrikeforHongKong #protesttoo #metoo #antiextraditionbill