528個 「我的 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議」 |世界月經日20240528

528個 「我的 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議」 |世界月經日20240528

又到一年一度嘅『 #世界月經日 』啦! 今年主題係 #PeriodFriendlyWorld,作為同樣都係今年十週年嘅本地月經護理品牌, @happeriod 當然都會積極響應!😎

即日起至5月31日,只要按照以下步驟以「我的 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議...」為題,分享你對個人、家庭、職場甚至整個社會入面嘅月經友善發展期望,就有機會贏得 happeriod 同The Lights in You & Hanamirai 聯乘嘅「在愛中綻放 聯乘套裝」!!😍

GLOWS WITH LOVE Bundle Set 在愛中綻放 聯乘套裝

  • Hanamirai 花見未來-經痛舒緩油 x1
  • The Lights in You -暗語蠟燭 x1
  • happeriod-$200 現金券 x1

1️⃣ 讚好happeriod FB/IG 專頁及相關帖文

2️⃣ 回應帖文,以「我的 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議...」為開首,分享可以推動「 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong」嘅例子+Tag一個朋友,例子︰「我的 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議...@朋友A  希望我哋公司有應急月經用品提供!」  「我的 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議...@朋友B 希望下次搞活動我哋可以準備應急月經用品比參加者!」「我的 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議...@朋友C下次M痛我要大聲講出黎!」

3️⃣ 得到最多共嗚(讚好)嘅3位得獎者會得到2份「在愛中綻放 聯乘套裝」,等你同好朋友一齊分享,照顧你哋每個月幾日嘅身心!❤️

誠邀大家一齊推動 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong!

活動期間,happeriod 仲會將網店5%收益捐贈俾 @freeperiods.hk ,為有需要人士提供正面嘅月經教育,令香港同世界都成為更加 #PeriodFriendlyWorld 呀!

快d 入嚟 @happeriod 分享你嘅 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 提議,一齊向 #PeriodFriendlyWorld大步邁進啦! 💪

@happeriod @freeperiods.hk

#528個PeriodFriendlyHK的提議  #PeriodFriendlyHongKong 

#PeriodFriendlyWorld #MHDay2024 #世界月經日

條款及細則:捐款上限為港幣$20,000;活動限期為2024年5月23日至31日;如有任何爭議, happeriod保留最終決定權而毋須另行通知。

📍記得Follow埋 happeriod嘅 Instagram:instagr.am/happeriod

【528 #PeriodFriendlyHongKong Suggestions - How many do you have?】

It's time of the great #WorldPeriodDay again! The theme of this year is #PeriodFriendlyWorld. As a local menstrual care unit celebrating our 10th anniversary this year, @happeriod would of course be also participating!

From now until May 31st, follow the instructions below and share your expectations towards a #PeriodFriendlyHongKong with the sentence "My #PeriodFriendlyHongKong Suggestion..." on either personal, family, workplace or social level,  you'll have the chance to win the "GLOWS WITH LOVE Bundle Set" from happeriod, The Lights in You & Hanamirai!😍


  • Hanamirai menstrual-comfort oil x1
  • The Lights in You HandCraft Message Candle x1
  • happeriod $200 coupon

1️⃣ Like @happeriod IG/FB and the corresponding post

2️⃣ Write a comment starting with "My #PeriodFriendlyHongKong Suggestion..." under this post, tag a friend and share an example of how we can promote a "#PeriodFriendlyHongKong" (e.g. "My #PeriodFriendlyHongKong Suggestion...@FriendA I hope our company can provide free menstrual products in the office!" "My #PeriodFriendlyHongKong Suggestion…@FriendB let’s prepare an emergency menstrual kit for participants in the next event!" "My #PeriodFriendlyHongKong Suggestion...@FriendC I will let everyone know I’m having menstrual cramps next time!"

3️⃣ The 3 posts with the most likes will each win 2 "Blooming in Love" collaboration sets, so you and your good friends can share and take care of yourselves every period! ❤️

We sincerely invite everyone to join us in promoting a #PeriodFriendlyHongKong !

During this period, happeriod will also donate 5% of online store revenue to @freeperiods.hk for providing positive menstrual education to those in need, making Hong Kong and the world a more #PeriodFriendlyWorld!

Visit @happeriod and share your #PeriodFriendlyHongKong suggestions. Together we can take big steps towards a #PeriodFriendlyWorld! 💪

@happeriod @freeperiods.hk

#528PeriodFriendlyHKSuggestions #PeriodFriendlyHongKong

#PeriodFriendlyWorld #MHDay2024 #WorldPeriodDay
