Happeriod 成為Ruby Cup 港澳地區官方經銷商

Happeriod 成為Ruby Cup 港澳地區官方經銷商

(English version below)【#一同改變月經不能說的文化

Ruby Cup並推將它推薦給我們。我們在三個月內將Ruby Cup引入香港,為大家處理月事帶來新的選擇。Ruby Cup多年來是我們暢銷和心愛的月經杯品牌,它的經營理念與我們非常投合,希望透過教育推動性/別平等。👩‍❤‍👩在2018年,我們正式成為Ruby Cup在港澳地區的官方經銷商,未來將與這經營理念相近的伙伴有更多的合作,一同推動正向月事運動,讓更多女性可以從月事中經驗身體自主。💪💪

咁開心,當然要回饋大家!由即日起到14/3 11:59 ,只要透過以下連結訂購Ruby Cup就可以享8折優惠!👇👇


----RUBY CUP----
Ruby Life Ltd. 是由三位丹麥女生創立的社會企業,旨在透過推廣旗下健康的、耐用的和可持續的月經杯Ruby Cup,為全球女性和女性的生活質量帶來改善。通過Ruby Cup的“Buy One, Give One!" 計劃,當你每買一個月經杯,RubyCup就會捐出一個月經杯給東非的女生並為她們提供月經衛生教育,讓她們提升月事健康的同時,不再需要因無法妥善處理月事而被逼失學或賣淫。

#RubyCup #happeriod #BuyONEGiveONE #Owntheirchoices #KnowyourselfOwnyourchoices #periodpositive

想了解更多Ruby Cup資料,可按此。想了解更多Buy One, Give One!" 計劃可到這裡(英文)。

#WeareTabooBreakersIn 2015, introduced by our friend "I" after her trip in Germany, we first met Ruby Cup in Hong Kong. Three months later, we introduced Ruby Cup into Hong Kong, letting our customers to have an alternative menstrual solution. Ruby Cup has long been our best-selling and favourtie brand within our various products. We share the same mission in promoting gender equality through education.👩‍❤‍👩
In 2018, we are glad to announce that we have become the sole distributor of Ruby Cup in Hong Kong and Macau. We are looking forward to further collaborations with Ruby Cup in promoting a positive environment for and to enahance personal autonomy and self-determination over women's bodies through alternative mentrual experience.💪💪

Share our joy with you all. Get 20% off for Ruby Cup in our shop via this link: https://happeriod.com/discount/HAPPRUBY

----Ruby Cup----

Ruby Cup is a product by Ruby Life Ltd. initiated by three Danish female entrepreneurs. It is a healthy, long-lasting and sustainable menstrual cup, that raises the quality of life for women and girls worldwide.

For every Ruby Cup that you buy, we donate one to a school girl in need in East Africa. This way, you can improve your own menstrual health while helping underprivileged girls access a long lasting female hygiene solution that helps them live their life without worries about their menstruation.

Visit our website for more specifications on the Ruby Cup. More information about Buy One Give One can be found here.    


Photo Credit: Ruby Cup
