Cloth Pads FAQ
Usage of cloth pads is quite simple and straightforward, but users may still encounter situations that need help. The following are some common issues faced or questions asked by users for your references.
- How should I choose my first cloth pad?
- We encourage you to choose with your own needs. Are you expecting to use only at night, or will you wear throughout the day? If you are not sure whether cloth pads suit you, or will you use it with tampons or menstrual cups in the future, we recommend you to choose a day pad or pantyliner with a leak-proof layer. It would be a cheaper choice with better security. There is also a higher chance for you to use them continuously even when you switch to tampons and menstrual cups as they can be used together as an extra protection. As each brand has its own styling and fabric used, we suggest you choose from one to two brands to try which one you feel comfortable with, and, most importantly, to see whether you find cloth pads fit your needs. Once you decide to continue using cloth pads as your period aid, you may purchase more with reference to the few pads you have bought.
- How often should I change my cloth pads?
- Like disposable pads, you should change a new pad at least every 2-4 hours.
- How many cloth pads do I need for my cycle?
- You need at least 8-10 pieces for one cycle if you use only cloth pads, and it depends on various factors like how heavy your flow is, how frequent you wash your pad, which styles and thickness your pads are in, etc, so you might need a few periods to know how many pads you actually need.
- How should I handle my used pad when I am out?
- Prepare a resealable bag. Simply fold your soiled pad and bring it home with the bag for cleaning. You may also find some storage pouches with compartments to store used and unused pads separately to ensure hygiene.
- Why would there be a leakage for my leak-proof pad?
- Despite quality issues, just like the disposable ones, leakage happens when your flow exceeds the absorption capacity of your pad. Changing it more frequently may help.
- It is very humid in Hong Kong. Is using cloth pads a good choice?
- Cloth pads are usually thicker than normal clothing, so they take more time to dry out. Therefore, a dry, cool place with constant sunlight is essential. However, humidity in many flats in Hong Kong is often quite high due to the climate and orientation. Cloth pads may get mildewed in such cases. If you find the laundry is always damp or even smells musty after drying, we suggest you not to use cloth pads unless you can use products like dehumidifiers and circulators to help remove the moistures.
- Would the buckles hurt while wearing my pad?
- Your pad should be thick enough to keep you from feeling the buckles.
- How could I stop my pad from sliding?
- It is possible for cloth pads to slide as they have no adhesives. Wearing well-fitted underwear can help your pad set better.
Cleaning and maintenance:
- Can I use softeners to keep my cloth pads soft and comfy?
- You should not use essential oils and chemicals like bleach and softeners to avoid damaging the products or causing allergy. If there is a leak-proof layer, these products would also damage the fabric and reduce the protection. Avoid rubbing or wringing your pad heavily can help keeping you cloth pads soft.
- Can I machine wash my cloth pads?
- Unless it has stated NO on the manual, yes, but using a laundry bag is a must. We suggest hand washing as there might be gems and dirt inside the machine if there is no regular maintenance and cleaning. Machine washing can also accelerate the wearings of the product.
- Will my cloth pads decolour?
- Like any other clothes, decolouring of a cloth pad is possible. Separate hand washing is always recommended to assure better hygiene and damages from decolouring.
- Can I machine dry my cloth pads?
- It varies among brands, but it is always a “NO” to machine dry or iron products with leak-proof layers, or the protection will be weakened. Wrapping your pad with a clean towel before wringing it out can fasten the drying process as the towel helps absorb the excess water.
- How can I make sure my cloth pad is clean?
- Your pad is already clean if the water is clear when you rinse it.
- Is my cloth pad still not clean if there are stains on it?
- It is inevitable to have stains on the pads as there are pigments in menses. It is already clean if the water is clear when you rinse it. You may use products like natural stain remover and soda to further remove the stains.
- How should I maintain my cloth pads’ condition if sunlight is rare in my home?
- Sunlight is always preferred. But if it is not possible to have your pads sun-dried, you may boil your pads for a few minutes(do not boil any pads with leak-proof layer) or soak them into a 1:100 vinegar/Eco enzyme-water dilution for at most an hour to sanitize them regularly after washing. Rinse and dry them thoroughly before using again.
- There are tiny spots on my new cloth pad. What should I do?
- If your cloth pad is new and made with organic cotton, and the spots are scattered and in light brown, they are usually just the seed pods and husk from the cotton. They will diminish over time when you keep washing it. However, if the spots are more condensed and are in green or grey, most likely they are molds. You may repeat step 7 to help remove the mold. However, as it is not easy to know whether all the molds are completely cleaned, to avoid allergy and infection, we do not suggest further usage if there are a significant number of molds on your pad.
When to replace your cloth pad
Each brand has its own recommendation on cup replacement time and standard. In general, you are recommended to replace your cloth pad when you experience any of the followings:
- Explicit damages on the pad;
- Leak-proof layer dysfunctions or cracks(if any);
- Growth of mold;
- Repeatedly feeling unwell or having infection after use;
- Other bad conditions.
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